Thursday, January 6, 2011

bulat & gemok..

salam uols...

momi dah fall in love ngan mendalah ni...

before ni momi cume jumpe Tag Reading System from Leap Frog, tapi tu untuk kanak2 umur 4-8 years...

memang menarik, tapi belum sesuai untuk chiepani try.

then tadi google Leap Frog punye website, nampak yang ni...

tomey kan? bulat dan gemok. hihi.

yang ni namanya Tag Junior Book Pal. sesuai untuk toddler umur 2-4 tahun... YES!!

gajet ni sesuai tuk chiepani... sebab now pun dia dah 1 year 6 months kan.. tak rugi beli kowt..

ni momi kopipes serba siket penerangan tentang gajet nih from Leap Frog punye website..

A love of books starts long before children can read - and its benefits can last a lifetime. Using the same amazing touch technology as the Tag™ Reading System, the Tag™ Junior book pal is designed to encourage toddlers' natural desire to explore, while introducing preschool skills through playful book-based activities.

The Tag Junior book pal is easy for parents and children to use. Parents can download audio for up to five books to the book pal, then let their toddlers explore. Each Tag Junior board book introduces a different preschool skill - such as the alphabet, counting or social play - through 24 playful activities and more than 130 audio responses.

* Open-ended questions and fun sound effects encourage children to take charge, as they touch any part of any page to bring words, pictures or activities to life.

After their child has played, parents can connect the book pal to the online LeapFrog® Learning Path to see their child's progress and get printable activities to expand the learning!

* Included sampler book, If I Were.., has 16 activities and ove

r 70 audio responses.

ni antara buku yang kita boley download dalam gajet tuh. so bila gajet tu kite point pada mana2 words, nanti dia akan keluar bunyi.. best oohhh!!

dedi, jom kite pegi Toys "R Us !!

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